The Risen Christ

John 13:34 ” A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another even as I have loved you, that you also love one another

Welcome to the 1st week of Easter!!! Question: Is the risen Christ in you reaching out to others in love and is your house in order? When we speak of order we refer to the fact that we are to follow the commandments to love. This is the new covenant that Christ gave us all. OR do you say, ” Wow I really do not want to get my hands dirty, that homeless guy smells? ” Right? It is easy to love those that love you, that look good, that drive the latest car or where the latest fashion. But what of the idea of bringing the woman or man that is smelling due to homelessness to your place of worship? Can you love them? For the same God that is in your loved ones is the same God that is in the homeless man or woman. We are all made in His Divine image, yes even the criminal, even the drug addicted, the abusers. Can you love those that others cannot? Remember, Jesus did and you claim you want to be more like Christ. So what does that mean in your life and how does this look?

Mid-Week Prayer: ” So often Lord I say I want to be more like you, yet when given the opportunity I balk because the situation is not convenient for me or I just have too much pride to help those that cannot help themselves. Lord help me. Change no circumstances in my life but change me. Lord help me. Let me not judge but rather love. Lord help me. Lord help me to love as you love. Amen!! “

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